Aesop's Animated Fables
This classic animated series presents 51 of Aesop's most beloved fables, whose story-ending morals have delighted and enlightened children for centuries.
17 x 30 minutes
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Frog and the Bull
- The Fox and the Wolf
- The Crow and the Eagle
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Crow and the Peacock
- The Donkey and the Wolf
- The Dove and the Ant
- The Mouse, the Frog, and the Falcon
- The Crow and the Fox
- The Fox and the Stork
- The Lion and the Fly
- The Snake and His Tail
- The Coalman Who Wanted to Marry the Washerwoman
- The Little Fish and the Big Fish
- The Lion and the Stag
- The Deer, the Horse, and the Man
- The Dog and His Image
- The Two Cocks and the Eagle
- The Wolf and the Kid
- The Lion in Love
- The Swan and the Geese
- The Horse and the Donkey
- The Old Pelican and the Fishes
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- The Wolf and His Shadow
- The Wolf, the Mother and her Child
- The Donkey and the Lion Skin
- The Mule, the Deer and the Monkey
- The Donkey With the Load of Salt and Sponges
- The Shepherd, the Dog and the Wolf
- The Cock and the Dog
- The Cat, the Mouse and the Farmer
- The Wild Donkey and the Tame Donkey
- The Donkey and His Masters
- The Parrot and the Pigeon
- The Two Pigeons
- The Hawk and the Snake
- The Shepherd and the Wolf Cub
- The Tortoise and the Hawk
- The Fisherman and the Little Fish
- The Deer Who Was Proud of His Horns
- The Lion and the Three Bulls
- The Hen With the Golden Eggs
- The Puppy, the Wolf and the Countryman
- The Bear, the Lion and the Wolf
- The Monkey and the Fisherman
- The Camel and the Countryman
- The Elephant Who Was Chosen King of the Beasts
- The Countryman and the Fox
- The Countryman Who Wanted to Catch the Lion
Produced by RTS - Radio Television Suisse and Frama Films SA.