Artists of America
A collection of personal and reflective biographical documentaries on ten admired American artists.
14 x 30 minutes or 7 x 60 minutes or 10 x 30 - 60 minutes / HD / 16:9 /
UHDF - Upconverted HD Format
- A Wyeth Hurd Original: Peter de La Fuente - 60 min.
- The Life and Art of Bo Bartlett: Heartland - 60 min. / 16:9
- Thomas Hart Benton: "The Sources of Country Music" - 30 min. / HD
- Fritz Scholder: Painting the Paradox - 60 min.
- Walt Owen - 30 min.
- Myke Morton - 30 min.
- Michael Earney: The Utilitarian Artist - 30 min.
- A. R. Mitchell's West - 30 min.
- Clerio DeMoraes: Painting the Unconscious - 30 min.
- Rita Blitt: Dancing Hands; "Flag"; Caught in Paint - 60 min.