Dance Studies
A collection of documentaries dedicated to Dance - be it instruction, performance, work, avocation or sport - and to those who love it!
16 x 30 minutes or 8 x 60 minutes or 10 x 30 - 120 minutes
- Ballet on Ice: Carmen on Ice - 60 or 120 min.
- Ballet on Ice: The Sleeping Beauty on Ice - 60 or 120 min.
- Choreographer Margaret Jenkins: Dancing on the Edge - 30 min.
- Dance 1: Dance for All Ages - 30 min.
- Dance 2: Trilogy - Zync; Parameta; SandDance - 30 min.
- A Dance the Gods Yearn to Witness: Bharata Natyam - 30 min.
- Liz Lerman: The Shipyard Dance - 30 or 60 min.
- My First Ballet Lesson - 30 min.
- Ruth St. Denis: The Dancing Prophet - 30 min. - UHDF
- Symbolic Dance: The Conference of Birds - 30 min.